On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to talk about the cozy relationship between Washington, D.C.'s think tanks and the military industrial complex. The pair also talk about the likelihood of expanded US military interventions over the next year.
In a special second part host Eugene Puryear is joined by Steve Hildebrand, Co-Chair of South Dakotans for Responsible Lending and Deputy Campaign Director for Barack Obama in 2008 to talk about efforts to cap pay day lending in the state of South Dakota. The pair also talk about the ways in which big money work to influence both sides of the aisle.
In part three Black Lives Matter Cincinnati activist Christina Brown joins the show to talk about the upcoming murder trial of Officer Ray Tensing in Cincinnati and how organizers in that city are working to get police out and anti-racism education into local schools.