On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. Bill Honigman, California State Coordinator and Co-coordinator of the Healthcare as a Human Right Issue Organizing Team for Progressive Democrats of America, to talk about Donald Trump's new budget and its impact on the American healthcare system, the band-aid approach Trump is taking to US medical needs, how there are no magical technological fixes to healthcare, and the impact of the new budget's bloated military expenditures.
In the second segment Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Greg Elich of the Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea to talk about the ongoing diplomatic efforts between North and South Korea against the backdrop of the 2018 Winter Olympics, if Japan and the US will play spoilers in Korean reunification efforts, Mike Pence's undiplomatic efforts at the Olympic opening ceremony, and the history of politics at the Olympics.
In the third segment Casey Dinges, Senior Managing Director of Public Affairs at American Society of Civil Engineers to talk about Donald Trump's $1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure plan, the economic consequences for not investing in infrastructure and the need for urban and rural people to be united for an improved infrastructure across the country.
Later in the show Sahar Shafqat, political science professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland and the co-founder of Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity joins the show to talk about the Trump Administration's budget proposal's impact on immigration, the Democrats inability to stand up for the values the espouse around immigration, and how defending immigration and DACA recipients would be good for the party's electoral chances at taking back the US Congress. The group also talks about the rape of a NYC woman by NY police, the firing of White House staffer Rob Porter, and the case of Lissa Lucas, a candidate in Democratic primary for state delegate dragged out of the West Virginia state house for reading list of corporate donors to House members.