On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dan Kovalik, author of the “Plot to Scapegoat Russia," to talk about Steve Bannon using executive privilege while talking to the US Congress, the way Hollywood has help spur Russia-gate, and the ways Russian media has been censored by those advocating Freedom of Speech protections. The dangers of Democrats engaging in political theater, the slow shift of American politics to the right, and the continued US bipartisanship and media support for foreign wars.
In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Queen Adesuyi, policy associate at the Drug Policy Alliance’s Office of National Affairs in Washington, D.C., to talk about the process of legalizing marijuana in the United States, the introduction of the Marijuana Justice Act by Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Congressman Ro Khanna and Senator Cory Booker, the racist agenda promoted by the DOJ and Jeff Sessions towards marijuana policy and the role pharmaceutical companies play in preventing the legalization of marijuana.
Later in the show Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Black Lives Matter DC organizer Aaron Goggans to talk about the finalist in the bid for Amazon's Second Headquarters, the reactionary state of mainstream US media, the latest videos from Inauguration Day in the J20 cases, and Donald Trump's continued assault on immigration and temporary visas.