On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Jayerr Carrasko, and Indigenous Organizer with Rising Hearts, to talk about their campaign to change the name of the Washington football team, and the unique marketing campaign and culture jamming the group used to advance their cause.
In the second segment Bshara Nassar, Founding Director of Museum of the Palestinian People, joins the show to talk about the importance of celebrating and showcasing the history of the Palestinian people, the significance of the town of Bethlehem in past and present political movements, the role resiliency plays in Palestinian social and cultural movements, and the efforts to bring Palestinian lives and stories into mainstream US culture. More on the museum at www.mpp-dc.org/
In a special third segment the show is joined by Dan Hoyle an actor and writer based in New York City, to talk about his one man show THE REAL AMERICANS currently running at Mosaic Theater Company of Washington DC. The group talk about the current cultural misunderstandings in the United States, journalistic theater, Friday night football in America, and the differences of audience reactions to performing the show in the Obama era and Trump era. More at www.mosaictheater.org
In the last segments of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Abdushshahid and Jackie Luquman of Luqman Nation to talk about the chances of the GOP tax bill passing the Senate, the role Steve Bannon will play in his post-White House days, and more on Alabama's Senate race results. The group also talks about grassroots organizing among black communities, if alternative leftist parties can grow in the US, Donald Trump's speech to FBI cadets, and how Obama's moderation towards criminal justice reform is hurting activists and organizers under the Trump era.