On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Miles Edwards, a writer with ATL Web Magazine to talk about ongoing efforts to censor political prisoner Imam Jamil Al-Amin.
In the second segment Ariel Gold, Campaign Director for CODEPINK and Palestinian Activist Rami Aman join the show to talk about to talk about Donald Trump's decision to announce Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, the current reactions by Palestinians living in Gaza and American Jews, the Israeli bombing of Gaza over the weekend, and how the move exasperates tensions both within the region and around the world.
In a special third segment the show is joined by Professor Danny Shaw to talk about the current political standoff in Honduras, the efforts to resolve the disputed election, the long history of the United States in the country and their current support of incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez, and whether wide spread poverty in Honduras and in the region will lead to a popular uprising and mass violence.
In the last segments of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Ra Shad Frazier-Gaines, Founder, Black Progressives to talk about Tuesday's Senate race in Alabama, the stereotypes around being poor in America, the hypocrisy of what Americans do and do not get outraged about, and why the Democrats continue to struggle in the American South. The group also talks about Accelerated Christian Education and Abeka Books Curriculum being used in American schools, why Condoleezza Rice still is given voice in main stream political media, and whether or not the sexual allegations and revelations will lead to legal punishment.