On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by John Kiriakou, co-host of "Loud and Clear" on Radio Sputnik, to talk about the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh, former President of Yemen, who was killed by Houthi forces. The group talks about what Saleh's death means for US and Saudi interests in Yemen and whether or not Egypt will intervene in the war.
In the second segment the show is joined by Marshall Eddie Conway, former Black Panther and political prisoner, to talk about the assassination of Fred Hampton, an organizer with the Black Panther Party who was killed on December 4, 1969 by the Chicago Police Department at the behest of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. The group talks about Hampton's ability to organize across racial lines, the ways the FBI and the US government's exercises collective surveillance and punishment over the Black community in the US, and the efforts to uplift the next generation of young movement leaders.
In a special third segment we're joined by Cara McClure, activist, business owner, and founder of the Black Lives Matter Birmingham chapter to talk about Donald Trump's endorsement of GOP Senate Candidate Roy Moore, the troubling invite extended to Moore by Bishop Jim Lowe to the African American Guiding Light Church in Birmingham Sunday, and the efforts to re-ignite a Poor People's Campaign and a National Call for Moral Revival led by the Reverend William Barber.
In the last segments of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Brandon Sutton, member of the Progressive Army and the host of the Discourse Podcast and Valerie Ervin, Senior Adviser of the Working Families Party, to talk about the current state of politics in the American South, what the current political moment means in the light of growing sexual allegations and revelations, and the importance of organizing those living in poverty. The group also talks about the efforts by the state to repress new Black-led movements, the outlandish claims GOP senators are giving for why they supported the latest tax bill, and the fundamental fallacies underpinning a "successful" American economy.