On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by activist and organizer Aurelia Williams to talk about Donald Trump's racial slur used while honoring Navajo Code Talkers, how offensive it was that the ceremony took place in front of an Andrew Jackson portrait, and how GOP leaders like Paul Ryan use Trump's extreme offensiveness to cover their slightly less offensive actions and policies. The group also talks about the renewed interest in Anita Hill's 1991 sexual harassment allegations against now Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, the power of position given to sexual predators in American society, and the impacts of removing net neutrality rules on people's daily lives.
In the third segment Kim Ives, Editor of Haiti Liberte, joins the show to talk about the Trump Administration's plans to end the Temporary Protected Status designation, known as TPS, for about 59,000 Haitians, the looming famine crisis on the island, the importance of Haitian migrants remittances flowing from the US to Haiti, and other efforts to scale back TPS for residents of other countries in the US's continued anti-immigrant posture.
In the last segments of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Ben Norton, a journalist with Alternet, to talk about the horrific conditions in Libya where African refugees are being sold into slavery, the lack of acknowledgment of NATO's role in sending the country into chaos, and the role Hillary Clinton played in escalating the efforts to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power in Libya in 2011. The group also talks about the relationship or non-relationship between Iran and Al Qaeda, the US corporate media's overt efforts to silence media that challenges the current status quo, the efforts to stop the UN from publishing a report on Israeli businesses in the West Bank, and the militarization of Palestinian life under the Israeli occupation.