On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, to talk about Donna Brazile's book excerpt highlighting Hillary Clinton’s takeover of the DNC, the state of Black leadership in the United States and the lack of Black politicians challenging US Foreign Policy. The group also talks about why politicians have used 'Russia-gate' and the tendency of Americans to trust military generals despite John Kelly's Civil War comments and tenure as Secretary of Homeland Security.
In the third segment Dr. Raymond A. Winbush, Research Professor and Director of the Institute for Urban Research at Morgan State University, to talk about John Kelly's efforts to revise Civil War history, the Trump administration's ability to continue to hold up ideas of American exceptionalism, and America's refusal to grapple with the atrocities upon which it was founded.
In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Dr. David Alpher, Adjunct Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University to talk about the ongoing war in Syria, the efforts to create saner gun laws in the United States, and the increasing difficulties to reduce violence in a culture of violence. The group also talks about the compromises leading up to the US Civil War, the caution in elevating military generals to a place of civilian authority and leadership, the anger and fear many white Americans feel, and the difficulties of scaling up peacebuliding and conflict resolution projects.
Today's talking points touch on the Republican tax cut plans and further details showing DNC and Hillary Clinton collusion ahead of the Democratic Presidential Primary.