On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. David Ragland, Peace and Conflict Resolution Scholar and part of the Truth Telling Project in Ferguson to talk about the conviction of Tulsa, Oklahoma police officer Shannon Kepler in the August 2014 killing of 19-year-old Jeremy Lake. Kepler was found guilty on lesser charges for killing Lake who was dating Kepler's daughter after three previous mistrials. The pair also talk about Richard Spencer's speech at the University of Florida, the latest from the ongoing unrest in St. Louis, and the appeals politician make to police officers in their bid to get elected.
In the second segment of the show Dr. Jared Ball, father and husband, professor at Morgan State University, and curator of imixwhatilike.org joins the show to talk about Richard Spencer's speech at the University of Florida that focused on the United States of America as a white ethno-state, the timidness of most white Americans to address white supremacy, and the liberal praise for Eminem's BET Awards performance. The pair also talks about American exceptionalism's response to Colin Kaepernick's National Anthem protests, the long history of the US government cracking down on black radical movements, and the white hero motif used in American culture towards social and political justice movements.
Later in the show hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dior Ashley Brown, a Multifaceted Performing Artist, Owner of Unique Extremes, LLC (A Creative Project Management Company), and Co-Founder of the DC Music Summit and REformance Art to talk about her event "Dior Ashley Brown Presents…" at Joe's Movement Emporium, the importance to center and raise women's voices through art, and the importance the performance in a rapidly changing Washington, DC.
Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by MacKenzie J. Hamilton, Executive Manager, STAND: The Student-Led Movement to End Mass Atrocities to talk about "The Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act (GAPA)" within the US Congress which would allow the US government to fund training and actions to prevent potential genocides and atrocities around the world, the ways in which migrations flows have changed over the past decade, and the efforts to save money and lives globally through non-military intervention towards violence reduction.
In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Bob Schlehuber, Sputnik News Analyst and Reverend Dr. Mareo Johnson, Pastor, President and Founder at Seeking The Kingdom Ministries Inc. and Black Lives Matter in Tulsa, Oklahoma to talk about the guilty charge of Officer Shannon Kepler in the murder of 19 year old Jeremy Lake, Trump's controversial comments towards a US serviceman's widow, and whether or not Democrats can expect a wave election in 2018. Later John Feffer, author and co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies to talk about Sunday's general elections in Japan, the right wing populist wave spreading through Europe, the relationship between anti-immigrant sentiment in the US and Europe, and the potential for left-wing international political, social and economic movements to arise in response.
Today's talking points touch on the major nursing shortage in the United States, conflicts of interest in the Virginia Gubernatorial race, and the Republican's efforts to pass a new budget.