On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Lillyanne Daigle, Network Campaigner at Global Zero to talk about the efforts to reduce the world's nuclear stockpile, how worried we should be with Trump having the ability to launch a nuclear attack, and what US-Russia relations mean for the world's arm race. The pair also talk about activist efforts to interrupt Trump's inaugural plans and if Japan will acquire nuclear weapons.
Later in the show Eugene Puryear is joined by Nicole Porter, Director of State Advocacy, Sentencing Project to talk about President Obama's Harvard Law Review Article on Criminal Justice Reform, efforts to reinstate voting rights for for those with felony records, and what to expect for criminal justice under a Trump administration.
Today's talking points touch on the efforts of tech companies to survey their uses internet traffic, racism in America against Asian-Americans, and the US congress hears the intelligence case against Russian hacking.