On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Anoa Changa, Attorney and Host of the “The Way with Anoa” to talk about the Bernie Sanders campaign and what it meant for black progressives in the United States.
Jane Kleeb, Nebraska Democratic Party Chair, Founder of Bold Nebraska, and a Board Member of Our Revolution joins host Eugene Puryear to talk about progressive politics in rural America, the future of the DNC, the efforts to stop oil pipelines across the country, and if Bernie Sander's Our Revolution has what it takes to rebuild the progressive political candidate bench.
In a special third segment Professor Philip L. Harvey, Professor of Law, human rights economist and one of the world’s foremost authorities on the right to work joins the show to talk about progressive economics, the right to work, and the intersection of human rights and jobs. Professor Harvey talks about the failure of progressive economics over the last forty years and what needs to be done to articulate a true progressive economic policy platform.