On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Erin Shields, Organizer Extraordinaire with BYP100, Dr. Jared Ball, father, husband, professor at Morgan State University, and curator of ImixwhatIlike.org, and Naji Mujahid, a Lawyer and member of Law for Black Lives talk about America's political prisoners, what the assassination of black panther party member George Jackson meant for Black liberation, and if there will be a mass recommitment to the struggles that sent black liberators to prison in the first place.
George Jackson was a left-wing activist, Marxist, author, a member of the Black Panther Party, and co-founder of the Black Guerrilla Family. In August 1971 Jackson was shot to death by guards in San Quentin Prison following an unsuccessful escape attempt which left Jackson and four others dead.