On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Rania Khalek, journalist and host of the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast to talk about the nuances of the ongoing fight against ISIS, the need for Western media to understand the rich diversity of the Middle East in their coverage of the region, the aftermath and devastation caused by ISIS, the long term implications of short term war making, and the ways the international community has ignored and used minority groups like the Yazidi for their convenience. We also talk about the latest movements by the PKK, the attempts to create smaller ethno-states across Syria and Iraq, and Israel's support of smaller regionally controlled territories.
In a special third segment the show is joined by Valerie Ervin, Senior Adviser of the Working Families Party to talk about latest efforts by the GOP to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the Republican's sole focus of being re-elected regardless of policy, and the ways rural citizens and suburbanites are being united to oppose the Trump administration's reckless policies. The group also talks about the need for a proper analysis by the left if they want to win back the House and White House, how progressives struggle to trust their policies, how big money in politics continues to erode at American democracy, and the large military spending increase by the US Senate.
Later in the show hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by callers to talk about the revaluation that Sean Spicer took scrupulous notes while Donald Trump's Press Secretary, continued war mongering by the US against North Korea, debtor prisons, International Day of Peace, and Bernie Sander's foreign policy speech at Westminster College.
Today's talking points touch on Donald Trump appointment of Texas Attorney General Jeff Mateer to a federal judgeship, continued protests in St. Louis, and Trump's continue efforts to advance a regressive coal policy.