Inter-faith and International Perspectives on the Charlottesville Attack; Chicago police officer found guilty of excessive force.
On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Sahar Alsahlani, National Council Co-Chair of Fellowship of Reconciliation and Council on American Islamic Relations and Max Hess, Interim Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation to talk about the incidents in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11th and 12th, the importance of the interfaith presence to fend off white supremacy, the history of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the importance of linking economic conditions to political-social conditions, and the international connections to these type of hate crimes.
Later in the show host Eugene Puryear is joined by Dr. Philip Stinson, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Program at Bowling Green State University to talk about the conviction of Chicago police Officer Marco Proano on civil rights charges, the role of tasers in police brutality, and the best ways in which communities can improve on police accountability.
Today's talking points touch on flood insurance reliability after major floods, racial disparities in insurance coverage, and the multiple ways in which 'ban the box' laws advance social equality.