On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Ben Dixon, host of "The Benjamin Dixon Show." The pair discuss how much more work the United States has to do to be prepared for extreme weather events and the controversy over evacuating Houston. Puryear and Dixon also discuss Trump's response so far and how his low approval ratings could effect the 2018 mid-term elections.
In a special third part Puryear is joined by Dr. Lawrence Brown of Morgan State University and Baltimore Bloc to discuss some of the issues around Hurricane Harvey more in-depth. In particular the impact on Hurricane Katrina refugees experiencing displacement for a second time; the role of city planning in intensifying the problem; and innovative ways to address these planning challenges.
Today's talking points touch on the inadequacies of US disaster response, Chicago police doubling down on tasers, and the lifting of the Federal ban on surplus military equipment being transferred to state and local police departments.