On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Aaron Goggans, organizer with Black Lives Matter DC and Michael Harriot, critically acclaimed poet, journalist, novelist, broadcaster and the editor-in-chief of NegusWhoRead, to talk about the firing of White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's sympathetic comments toward Barcelona truck victims and not those in Charlottesville, VA, and the ongoing debate around America's historical legacy.
The group also talks about the power of symbols, crying Nazis, the problem of White Allies, the role of antifa in the movement for justice, and whether or not Tiger Woods has been treated unfairly during his fall from grace.
Today's talking points touch on Donald Trump's rush to comment on the attacks in Barcelona, the shocking number of schools in America named after Confederate Leaders, and the release of juror selection transcripts in the Martin Shkreli pharma bro fraud trials.