On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Sam Menefee-Libbey, spokesperson for support group Dead City Legal Posse to talk about the ongoing legal cases against Inauguration Day protesters and the latest effort by the US Department of Justice to collect mass data on anti-Trump activists. The pair also talk about chilling effect the Trump administration is having on protesters, the fine line between hate speech and free speech, and the powerful coalition that organized against Nazis in Charlottesville over the weekend.
In a special third segment host Eugene Puryear is joined by Damon Davis, Co-Director and Producer, and Chris Renteria, Co-Producer of the documentary film "Whose Streets?" to talk about the new Ferguson based documentary film, the importance of telling stories from the front lines of movements, and the need to remember the legacy of Ferguson in light of the most recent events in Charlottesville.
Today's talking points touch on the efforts by activists to remove Confederate statues through the country, Donald Trumps' support for Neo-Nazis and the fall-out from his most recent press conference, and the alarming rate of teen drug overdoses shown in a new Centers for Disease Control report.