On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by an activist and organizer who was hit by a car driven by white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. The activist recounts the joyous celebration by the anti-racists and Black Lives Matter protesters before the car attack, the ways in which the police were passive in preventing the car attack and the need to continue to organize and speak out against right wing white supremacists.
In the second segment Ben Norton, journalist for Alternet, joins host Eugene Puryear to continue the conversation around the weekend events in Charlottesville, including why Democrats are hesitant to speak out against white supremacist's events, the ways in which subtle racism leads to large scale violent attacks, the political and social impunity given towards "dog-whistle" racism, and the disgusting normalization of 'alt-right' leaders by media outlets and political pundits.
In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Debra Rowe, Executive Director, Returning Citizens United, DC Organizer, Tyler Hopkins Local Organizer and Criminal Justice Advocate, Christen Boze Hayes, March Organizer to talk about the upcoming Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March on Washington, D.C. on Saturday, August 19th (Freedom Plaza at 11 am EST). The group talks about the importance for marginalized communities to lead large scale demonstrations, the interconnectedness of social, economic and political justice campaigns, and the importance to march on Washington for prisoner's rights.