On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Bob Schlehuber, Sputnik News Analyst and Jamal Muhammad, aka DJ One Luv, host of The Luv Lounge on We Act Radio, to talk about the how much the Trump Administration has done in a short matter of time to hurt people of color in America, the ongoing saga of NFL player Colin Kaepernick, the overreaction by whites to a Procter & Gamble advertisement, and HBO's efforts to produce "Confederate."
In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by John Kiriakou, a former CIA analyst and Associate Fellow with the Institute for Policy Studies to talk about the Trump administration's alarming effort to crack down on leaks, how the policies introduced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions are an extension of President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder's efforts, and how journalists could be subpoenaed to reveal their sources, a major violation of the First Amendment.
Today's talking points touch on West Virginia Democratic Governor Jim Justice switching parties, Trump's behind the scenes media machine, the latest in the efforts by Trump and Corporations to rollback EPA regulations.