On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Jon Liss, Executive Director of New Virginia Majority and Valerie Ervin, Senior Adviser to Working Families Party, to talk about the next steps in the fight for Medicaid for All in the United States, the need to continue to push back on the GOP's efforts to give tax cuts to the wealthy, and how healthcare will factor into the next cycle of elections in Virginia and the country. The group also discusses the balance between supporting executive level political positions and legislative positions, what the progressive community should look for in candidate's environmental policies, and the need for progressives to keep a close eye on civil right rollbacks by the Trump administration.
In a special third segment host Eugene Puryear is joined by Mitchell Plitnick, Political Analyst and the former Vice President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, talk about the Trump administrations dangerous language towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the ongoing pressure on Qatar from its Gulf neighbors, the ongoing war in Syria, and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
Today's talking points touch on additional Baltimore Police caught on camera planting drugs and the Trump's administration attempt to curb affirmative action practices at US schools.