On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by a robust roundtable featuring Dane Edidi, Black, Cuban, Indigenous, Nigerian trans woman Performance Artist, Playwright, Advocate and the first trans woman of color to publish a book in Washington, DC, Sean Blackmon, Organizer with Stop DC Police Terror Project, and Michael Harriot, critically acclaimed poet, journalist, novelist, broadcaster and the editor-in-chief of NegusWhoRead to talk about the parole of OJ Simpson, the recent controversy around R. Kelly, the new DC play "Wigout" and the group dives deep into The Root's "2017 World Wypipo Tournament: Who Is the Worst?"
Today's talking points touch on the resignation of White House press secretary Sean Spicer, Trump's 'Made in America' week, continued environmental rollbacks by the EPA, the current state of America's Deferred Action for Child Arrival Program and efforts by US prisoner's to gain access to life saving medicine.