On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Tracye Redd, Organizer with Black Lives Matter DC, to talk about the efforts by Black Lives Matter activists to block KKK protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. Tracye also talks about the their arrest and the agressive police tactics used to protest KKK members in their efforts to stop the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Later in the show Wes Bellamy, Vice-Mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia joins the show to talk more about the clashes in Charlottesville, the history of racism in the city, rising new movements in the city, and the growing unrest around white supremacist historical symbols and historical memories they trigger like the Robert E. Lee statue in the town.
In a special third segment host Eugene Puryear is joined by Mike Fox, Associate Executive Director Progressive Democrats Of America to talk about a series of sit-ins happening in Washington, D.C. and across the country against the GOP healthcare bill, the reasons why the Republicans would so aggressively push such an unpopular bill, and the efforts by the left to respond with a single payer health care option.
Today's talking points touch on the NYPD working to sell spying tools to the Mexican government, France's decision to ban gas vehicles by 2040, the failures of Donald Trump's Voting Commission, and a series of wealthy donor meetings by Vice President Mike Pence.