On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Kohmee Parrett, Chairman of the Green Party Chicago South and Mondale Robinson is a 21st Century Race Man and works with the DFA and the Conyers Institute to talk about the People's Summit in Chicago, Illinois. The group dissects the problematic whiteness of the progressive movement in the US, the difficulties of finding and elevating radical black voices, and whether or not liberals and radical progressives can co-exist.
In a special third segment the group is joined by Carl Lipscombe, Deputy Director at the Black Alliance for Just Immigration to talk about status of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Temporary Protective Status for Haitians in the US and immigration laws under Donald Trump.
Today's talking points touch on trans hate crimes in New York, Secretary of Interior Zinke's efforts to reduce the land protected for the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, and efforts to include tweets under the Federal Records Act.