On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Daniel McAdams, Executive Director, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity to talk about Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, the hypocrisy of the left to call for Comey's firing and then be outraged at Trump for firing him, and why a special prosecutor may not be the best next step for those looking for a Trump-Russia connection.
In an extended second segment Eugene Puryear is joined by Dan Cohen, filmmaker and journalist, Jamal Ashour, Palestinian artist and student and Rami Aman, Palestinian Activist to talk about the current conditions in Gaza without electricity and water, the misconceptions about Gaza by the international media and community, why Israel likes a divided Palestinian movement, and the hopes of a younger generation of Gazans to find freedom from oppression.
In a special third segment host Eugene Puryear is joined by Twanda Jones, activist with the West Wednesday movement in Baltimore, Maryland. Twanda’s brother Tyrone West's murder by Baltimore police in 2013 was highlighted during a recent taping of American Race On TNT - A Charles Barkley Docu-Series, where Barkley argued that there is an over focus on police misconduct and people are overreacting to the mistakes of police in high pressure split second decisions. Tyrone West's family pushed back on Barkley's claims arguing that Tyrone was not killed in a split second decision but instead police took 15 minutes to beat him to death.