On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by Elizabeth Kucinich, former director of policy at the center for food safety, on the board of the Rodale Institute, and represents the organic farmers association, wife of former Congressmen Dennis Kucinich to talk about her most recent visit to Syria and how the Western media has inaccurately covered the war, the real dynamics of what is happening in the country and the potentials for peace in the country. The pair also talk about the need for more Americans to become engaged in politics and build more long term sustainable movements that are not solely reactionary.
Later in the show host Eugene Puryear is joined by Pete Dolack, activist and author of “It’s Not Over Learning From the Socialist Experiment to talk about the need for socialism now more than ever in response to the Trump Administration, the efforts to socialize banking in America, and what to make of the first job numbers under the new administration.
Today's talking points touch on the most recent police killing, Trump's obsession with fake news, the efforts of the state of Maryland to ban fracking, and the alarming ways businesses and the FBI are keeping tabs on employees.