On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" host Eugene Puryear is joined by James Early, Former Director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage at the Smithsonian Institution, board member of IPS and Ashley Bunn, Board Member of the the NAACP of Toledo, Ohio and Board Member of the Toledo Young Black Professionals to talk about the intersectionality of the resistance against Donald Trump, the role of liberals in a Republican dominated government, and whether or not establishment Democrats will step aside to let younger liberals lead the party. The group also talk about grassroots efforts to hold their government accountable despite the consistent ask for them to set aside their own principles for electoral wins and losses.
Later in the show host Eugene Puryear is joined by Kate Gould, Legislative Representative for Middle East Policy, Friends Committee on National Legislation to talk about the internal confusion among Democrats in relation to the Trump cabinet confirmations, efforts to block David Friedman from becoming the US Ambassador to Israel, and whether or not the US's on going support for Israel will serve exacerbate relations with Europe.